Why use PMS colour in your design?
PMS colors, also known as Pantone Matching System colors, are a standardized color system used in various industries, including graphic design, printing, and manufacturing. Using PMS colors in design is essential for achieving consistency, accuracy, and predictability in color reproduction.
Here are some reasons why you should use PMS colors in your design projects:
- Consistency: PMS colors provide consistent color across various media. When you use PMS colors, you can be sure that the color will look the same on different materials, such as paper, fabric, plastic, and metal. This consistency is essential when creating branding materials, such as logos, business cards, and product packaging.
- Accuracy: PMS colors ensure accurate color reproduction. The PMS system has over 1,800 colors, and each color has a unique identification number, making it easier to communicate the desired color to manufacturers and printers. This accuracy is particularly crucial for printing projects, where the color needs to be precise.
- Predictability: PMS colors are predictable. When using PMS colors, you can be confident that the final product will match your design. This predictability saves time and money by reducing the need for color adjustments or reprints.
- Branding: PMS colors help establish brand identity. When creating branding materials, using consistent PMS colors helps to reinforce the brand’s visual identity and make it more recognizable to customers.
- Versatility: PMS colors are versatile and can be used in various design projects. They work well for logos, branding materials, marketing collateral, and packaging. They can also be used in digital design projects, such as web design and social media graphics.
In summary, using PMS colors in your design projects is crucial for achieving consistency, accuracy, predictability, and establishing brand identity. By using PMS colors, you can ensure that your design will look the same across different materials and media, and you can save time and money by avoiding color adjustments or reprints. This is why use PMS colour in your design!